Monday, 7 January 2013

Facts about Big Bang

The Big bang theory describes the origin and development of the universe some 15 billion years ago. The big bang is the first model that scientists used to describe the creation of our universe. This theory claims that the universe was created in a violent event with a bang.
1. The Big Bang theory is the cosmological theory which explains the formation of the universe.

2. It states that universe is 13.7 billion years old.
3. The Big Bang was an expansion from something infinitesimally small to the current size of the universe today and the expansion has taken with a bang.
4. The Big Bang theory says that the universe was once very hot and concentrated in the distant past. But after the big bang and expansion the space has been stretching and cooling.
5. The Big Bang theory is related to the origin of the universe. This theory was first introduced in year 1927. At that time it was named as the 'Hypothesis of the Primeval Atom' by Mr. Georges Lemaitre.
6. The credit for the coining of the term Big Bang goes to Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer, in the year 1949.
7. In the beginning the universe was very hot. At that time, all the four fundamental interactions of nature i.e. gravitation, electromagnetism, nuclear strong force and weak force were one single force.
8. Big bang theory states that the space of universe is constantly expanding.
9. According to Big bang theory, the universe is constantly expanding and one day the expansion will spread the galaxies as much far that we will not be able to see them. This will be due to the light which will be leaving them constantly and creating a new space in its front.
10. The Big Bang theory is one of the most strongly supported theories of the formation of universe in all of science.
11. The big bang theory is supported by astronomers as they see galaxies moving apart from one another. This movement clearly explains that the space in the universe is stretching.
12. Due to the Big Bang the Universe is still expanding even now.

13. Before the Big bang happened, the universe used to be very close and very dense.

14. Before the big bang, the universe used to be a uniform cloud of energy/mass. After the big bang, the universe has become clumpy and the galaxies are the clumps.

15. As the expansion is still going on, the matter is constantly pushed apart gradually.

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